All control and knowledge managed from one single point

MIC Core is the management and decision engine of the process/cell to be automated. From the information collected by the platform, this module will be able to manage both the assets of the cell and its workflows.
Thus, this module will include the following functionalities:

  • Cell preparation and resource availability study.
  • Flexible scheduling and capacity management.
  • Automation of workflows and autonomous execution, sharing NC files, acting on the handling equipment/robots.
  • Agile incorporation of changes in the process (volume, processing route, part typology...) and/or in the scalability of the same.
  • Adaptability to different machine and work-in-process control configurations (e.g. wip management).
  • Improvements in quality, MIC Inspect, facilitating control within the processes, reducing the "first time good part" ratios.

This module is the centerpiece of any of the client configurations to be implemented.