Prepared for the future

A different approach to the factories of the future

SMARTPM is an engineering and solutions development company focused on intelligent automation and optimization of industrial processes in the field of precision machining, based on a deep process knowledge both in the field of machining and metrology.


To become the best partner for the automation of manufacturing processes, offering a complete and accessible portfolio of solutions and services.


We help companies to optimize the productivity of all their assets.


Our goal is to maximize the productivity of these assets (people, equipment, tooling, IT...) in machining companies, orienting them towards the development of intelligent factories, which learn and adapt in real time to a changing environment in search of maximum quality, productivity, with greater autonomy and minimal impact on the environment.

Industrial DNA

Born in a territory where industry is culture, we are part of the Egile group and we carry the knowledge of the processes and the customer in our roots and therefore we want to collaborate in the development of a more powerful industry that leverages on those existing technologies that allow us to strengthen its value proposition and thus a competitive and profitable positioning in the market.


SMARTPM FACTORY Lab is a differential infrastructure, unique in its field, which accelerates the development of our solutions by providing a real testing environment.
It also allows us to address a more complete project management by being able to test ad-hoc the proposed solutions and facilitating a simpler implementation in the client.

Talent and People

In our project we have people who, in addition to their experience, are characterized by their desire to learn and undertake, to tackle ambitious challenges, to develop new products and, in short, to create and leave their mark, helping industrial development to continue to evolve and play a fundamental role in society.

Our partners

Recognitions and certifications

Innovation 2022 Award for the best Advanced and Digital Manufacturing solution awarded at BIEMH

Innovative SME Certificate awarded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MCIU).

HAZITEK Program for the ADIMERTZ Project for the development of high performance Edge Computing nodes connected in the industrial/business environment.

HAZITEK Program by the R2M Project for the research of flexible and reconfigurable manufacturing systems based on robot-machine collaboration.

HAZITEK Program for the ABIO II Project for the development of machines and systems for the competitive manufacturing of aeronautical components.

HAZITEK and PID Program for the ABIO II Project co-financed by the Basque Government, CDTI and the European Union (ERDF).

Member of the 1st class of Sixth Sense 2022.

ISO 21500:2012

ISO 21500:2012 Certification Project Management Guidance

ISO 9001:2015

ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Certification

Kudeaketa Aurreratuari Advanced Management Diploma 2023

Diploma for Advanced Management 2023 awarded by Euskalit (Basque Foundation for Excellence).

HAZITEK Program for the CONFLES Project co-financed by the Basque Government and the European Union (FEDER).

HAZITEK Program by the AIDIS Project co-financed by the Basque Government and the European Union (ERDF).

Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia - Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa

BALIOA SORTZEKO ERALDATZEN Program by the EDUMIC Project financed by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa.

Kudeaketa Aurreratuari Advanced Management Diploma 2023

Diploma for Advanced Management 2023 awarded by Euskalit (Basque Foundation for Excellence).

HAZITEK Program for the CONFLES Project co-financed by the Basque Government and the European Union (FEDER).

HAZITEK Program by the AIDIS Project co-financed by the Basque Government and the European Union (ERDF).


We are part of the following associations

We support

At SMARTPM we are proud to carry industrial DNA and support the Machine Tool Museum of Elgoibar for its contribution to the conservation, study and dissemination of our industrial heritage.

Do you have a project in mind?

If you are looking for a supplier of intelligent automation systems and at the same time a specialist in process engineering, you are in the right place. We help you to develop your production improvement project.


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